
Using the software requires a licence. To get to know the software, free demo-versions can be downloaded for a trial-period of one month. The demo versions show the complete functionality of the use of the software with GUI’s, but the calculational capabilities are restricted. To use the full capabilities of the software, a licence is required. Three types of licences are described below,

  1. University-Thesis Licence [Download Form]
  2. Research Licence [Download Form]
  3. Corporate Licence [Download Form]

and the link leads to a form to be filled out for registration. Please send the filled form to licence@hawassi.labmath-indonesia.org.

A University-Thesis Licence can be applied for jointly by a supervisor and a thesis student who aim to use the software to obtain an officially recognised university degree. A short description of the planned thesis contents, and the final result as described in the thesis after finishing, are required to obtain a licence (with extendable duration in order not to jeopardise the finishing of the project) without any cost; please fill out the form.

A Research Licence provides the possibility to have the functionality of the HAWASSI-code with parts that are essential for executing the proposed activity to be open source. The licence is aimed to make it possible to extend the capability or functionality in collaboration between academia or professional institutes/companies and LabMath-Indonesia. Extensions can deal with modelling aspects and/or output functionality of the present calculation engine. After agreement about the details and division of workload/contribution and costs, a tailor made agreement will be drafted and signed. After providing the information below as your input to initiate the process, your request/proposal will be considered with great care. We will respond as soon as possible to proceed.

A Corporate Licence for Corporate/company, governmental institutions can be ordered by filling out the purchase order form. For multiple licences substantial reductions apply.